2019-present: Doctoral Student
Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Sciences, Drexel University,
Philadelphia, PA
• Examine the biopsychosocial contributions to pain in individuals with spinal cord
injury through qualitative and quantitative inquiry across the lifespan.
• Collect psychometric and quantitative pain measures to examine biopsychosocial
factors related to pain development in individuals with spinal cord injury.
• Collaborate with interdisciplinary research development group to examine effects
of community-based exercise participation in individuals with spinal cord injury.
2013-2016: Research Specialist, Frontotemporal Degeneration Center, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA
Administered cognitive tests and analyzed group level structural MRI data to determine factors related to development of frontotemporal dementia and related disorders.
Liaison to Pennsylvania Hospital Movement Disorders Clinic.
Prepared and presented research data for posters and publication.
2012-2013: Research Specialist, Department of Bioengineering, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA
Examined primary neuronal cultures to elucidate circuit level mechanism in traumatic brain injury.
Performed animal surgery to determine functional and histological impact of traumatic brain injury.
Heim S, McMillan C, Clark R, Baehr L, Ternes K, Olm C, Min N, Grossman M. How the brain learns how few are “many”: an fMRI study of the flexibility of quantifier semantics. Neuroimage. 2016;125:45-52. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.10.035.
Bisbing T, Olm C, McMillan C, Rascovsky K, Baehr L, Ternes K, Irwin D, Clark R, Grossman M. Estimating frontal and parietal involvement in cognitive estimation: a study of focal neurodegenerative diseases. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 2015;9:317. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00317.
McMillan C, Irwin D, Baehr L, Ternes K, Olm C, Van Deerlin V, Lee V, Trojanowski J, Grossman M. “Neuroimaging-based staging of pathological spread in patients with known tau pathology.” American Academy of Neurology, AAN 67th Annual Meeting, 4/18-4/25/15, Washington, DC.
Rascovsky K, Moran E, Baehr L, Irwin D, McMillan C, Grossman M. “Utility and neuroanatomical correlates of the FTLD-NACC neuropsychology module in the differential diagnosis of behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia and alzheimer’s disease.” American Academy of Neurology, AAN 67th Annual Meeting, 4/18-4/25/15, Washington, D.
Baehr L, McMillan C, Rascovsky K, Powers J, Burkholder L, Grossman M. “Strategic problem solving in behavioral variant frontotemporary dementia.” American Academy of Neurology, AAN 66th Annual Meeting, 4/26-5/3/14, Philadelphia, PA.
Baehr L. Physical Activity and Quantitative Pain Measures: A Scoping Review. Drexel University Emerging Graduate Scholars Conference, 4/23/2020, Philadelphia, PA.
Baehr L. Treatment considerations for chronic pain in spinal cord injury. MossRehab Main Campus Outpatient Physical Therapy Inservice, 5/1/19, Elkins Park, PA.
Baehr L. Student perceptions of community-based exercise for individuals with non-communicable diseases. Temple University College of Public Health Research Day, 4/5/19, Philadelphia, PA.
Baehr L. Student perceptions of community-based exercise for individuals with non-communicable diseases. Temple University Doctor of Physical Therapy Evidence Based Practice Day, 10/19/18, Philadelphia, PA.
Baehr, L. “Dance for PD: why movement matters for parkinson’s.” 13th Annual Jean Feldman Memorial Conference, 11/6/15, Philadelphia, PA.
Baehr L. “Modeling Musca behavior on a visual discrimination task.” Lehigh Valley Society for Neuroscience Research Conference, 4/21/12, Allentown, PA.
Drexel University Emerging Graduate Scholars Conference, 2020
Provost’s Award: Second Place Oral Research Presentation
Invited Alumna Panelist, Muhlenberg Dance Wellness Symposium, 2020
Graduate College Fellowship, Drexel University, 2019
Awarded to highly qualified doctoral students in support of pre-candidacy work
College of Public Health Graduation Speaker, Temple University, 2019
Outstanding Original Research Presentation Award, Temple University, 2018
Community-Based Exercise for Individuals with Non-Communicable Diseases
Mentor: Dr. Elizabeth Thompson, PT, PhD
Hyman Dervitz Scholarship, Temple University, 2018
For high performance in academics, collaborative leadership, volunteerism, social conscience, health endeavors
Invited Panelist, Visionaries and Innovators: Joys and Challenges of Being a Woman in STEM, Montgomery County Commission on Women and Families, 2013
Best Oral Presentation in Neurosciences, Lehigh Valley Society for Neuroscience, 2012
Modeling Musca behavior on a visual discrimination task
Mentor: Dr. Patrick Williams
Seena Marcus Arts Scholarship, Muhlenberg College, 2012
Muhlenberg Presidential Merit Scholarship, Muhlenberg College, 2008-2012
Talent Grant (Dance), Muhlenberg College, 2008-2012
Member, American Physical Therapy Association, 2016-present
Research/Orthopedics/Neurology Sections
Member, Pennsylvania Physical Therapy Association, 2016-present
Vice President, Doctor of Physical Therapy Student Association, 2016-2019